Friday, February 29, 2008

Ambers Secret Window

My Secret Window-how I created it!

So I have just finished making a necklace I named "Secret Window." It all began when I awoke in the middle of the night last Monday. I had a very odd dream about one of my favorite childhood books called "The Secret Door". The illustrations in this book are just amazing and vivid, with these surreal creatures and this nasty "monster", and in the book, the girl stumbled upon this secret door that led to this secret world with these creatures. Well in my dream, it was like I was walking through this "secret forest", trying to get away from these creatures, like I was desperately trying to find something. This was one of those dreams that felt very real. So I was hurrying through this creepy forest, and I came upon a house-old and decrepit, large and very ornamental with moldings and sconces and statues and a fountain. I quietly crept up to the house, slowly, a little worried of what I might find inside. I approached a window-all moss and vine covered, barely even visible-and peeked inside. And what I saw inside was so beautiful it left me speechless and struck. Lush green vines grew up the walls onto the ceilings. The floor wasn't a floor-it was a bed of flowers that glistened with sweet dew. Purples and Pinks, light blues and deep greens. A whole thriving wonderland of flowers. But then I saw the most amazing thing-little fairies and dragonflies-flittering about the room! Like they were talking to eachother!Hundreds of them, just flitting about, in this world inside this room! I couldn't believe my eyes! And all of this seemed so utterly real, I cannot explain how true this dream felt!

Sooooooo, sometime after discovering this room in this house through this secret little window, I woke up. It was about 2am, and I could not fall back asleep. I had this vivid surreal picture of me peering inside that window and all of the gorgeous glistening colors and little faery friends and dragonflies living about. So I started forming my own window from Sterling Silver, and coiled-coiled-coiled, strung some sparkly stones, and before I knew it I had my own little Secret Window! I didn't even really think about what I was making, it just kinda happened! I couldn't be happier with the end result. Then I had to get online and google that book so I could purchase it again and have it forever!

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